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Cyber Defense Center (CDC)

Monitor - Detect - Protect

The damage caused by cybercrime is considerable: espionage and theft of intellectual property, attacks on confidentiality, integrity and availability, theft of assets.

But how can companies protect themselves? How do you recognize attacks? What processes are needed to deal with cybercrime? What is the best way to get an overall picture of individual relevant events? How are potential risks evaluated? What measures offer protection and how is their effectiveness checked?

These are complex questions that companies have to deal with in connection with cyber attacks. The answer to all these questions comes from CANCOM Austria. The Cyber Defense Center is a leading Security Operation Center (SOC) in the area of Detection & Response with a focus on identifying IT risks as early as possible.

we transform for the better

Ransomware attacks

Worldwide on average per year



Source: Statista, Aug. 2023

Cybercrime is the biggest threat to companies.

As a result, cyber security is becoming an ever greater challenge for companies. So don't be lulled into a false sense of security: cybercrime doesn't stop at just your company; small and medium-sized companies are increasingly having to pay for their lack of protection. And the damage caused by cybercrime is considerable! There is the threat of espionage and theft of intellectual property in which your company has invested time, money and expertise; confidential content and data are at risk, assets could be stolen; you can no longer guarantee your availability - not to mention the damage to your integrity and reputation.


We have over 12 million alarms on our servers every month! The competent CDC team at CANCOM Austria filters and analyzes these and prepares them for us with specific recommendations for action. Only then are we able to recognize real threats to our company and react accordingly.

Christoph Schacher

Head of Information Security, Wienerberger Group

The CANCOM Cyber Defense Center (CDC) is your professional contact for security issues.

Our Security Operations Center for the entire DACH region provides you with a wide range of support:

Unfortunately, it is entirely possible that your company infrastructure has fallen victim to previously undetected cyber attacks - we make these attacks transparent and traceable. The next step is to detect threats in real time and combat them with the most efficient response. In this way, you continuously increase your company security and reduce business risks; important company assets are protected. Don't take any unnecessary risks - let CANCOM arm your company.



Find out more on the CDC website.

CDC WebsiteCDC Website

Case Study

Red Bull

The Vulnerability Management (VULN) module is a service from the KBC Cyber Defense Center (CDC) and is used at Red Bull to detect IT vulnerabilities.

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Case Study


KBC Cyber Defense Center, the Security Operation Center for optimal IT and network security.

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Case Study

Spittal Hospital

Comprehensive cyber security solution for secure network communication and protected databases.

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CANCOM Austria Austria

Daniel Firulovic, MA

Senior Sales Expert Cyber Defense

Wienerbergstraße 53, 1120 Wien, Österreich

+43 664 628

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