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Company GPT with SOI

For the secure use of ChatGPT in your company.
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Use of ChatGPT

How secure is your company data?

Who uses ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is becoming increasingly popular in the professional environment. Around 20% of Austrians already use ChatGPT, and the trend is rising. Use is split between private and professional purposes, with half of users using the service for writing professional texts. However, some companies feel compelled to prohibit the use of ChatGPT - including major players such as Apple, Amazon and Samsung.

Data protection?

Data protection remains a critical aspect, especially when it comes to the use of sensitive customer and company data . There is also a risk of misinformation, as responses from ChatGPT can potentially be incorrect, which in turn raises liability issues.

comGPT - Trustworthy. Secure. More efficiency.

Company GPT


Advantages of your own comGPT:

  1. Security and data protection:
    • Protection against third-party access: Use of the latest security technologies to ensure data security.
    • Compliance-compliant environment: Meets data protection guidelines, ideal for regulatory contexts.
  2. Increase employee productivity:
    • Efficient prompt management: avoids duplication of work by sharing prompts within the team.
    • Integration into existing systems: Seamless integration into IT infrastructures through single sign-on (SSO).
  3. Promotion of innovation:
    • Access to the latest technologies: Secure use of current AI technologies offers competitive advantages.
    • Customizable AI models: Specific adaptation to company needs is possible.
  4. Scalability and flexibility:
    • Modular use: Efficient in both small teams and large corporate structures.
    • Flexible areas of application: Use in customer service, technical support through to knowledge management.

Knowledge database

The secure AI chatbot for companies. // we transform for the better

Dusty knowledge?

Imagine a room full of documents and instructions that hardly anyone reads or knows. This often leads to improper task completion, for example when maintaining systems. New employees often struggle to find their way through the maze of difficult-to-understand instructions . Language barriers also make communication and understanding more difficult.

This results in additional work, as the required information is either difficult to find or incomprehensible. It's like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without knowing the picture on the box. Hundreds of documents do not provide an overview and tend to lead to confusion. It's time to bring order to the chaos and find a way for everyone in the team to get to the information they need quickly and efficiently.

Transformation through comGPT

comGPT is more than just a communication tool; it is a comprehensive platform that securely and effectively harnesses the potential of AI. Implementing comGPT will increase productivity, improve security standards and keep your business on the cutting edge of technology. Benefit from happier customers and a motivated workforce that can focus on core competencies.

we transform for the better

SOI - Knowledge database


The lubricant for your knowledge management

Imagine all of your company's knowledge in one place - that's what SOI makes possible. It acts like the central brain of your company, providing you with all the information you need in a simple and comprehensible form. No complicated technical jargon, no endless searching - just ask and understand.

Do you have a specific question? SOI provides you with precise and direct answers. Whether it's creating summaries or defining processes on demand, SOI is your personal assistant that not only provides answers, but also makes processes understandable.

The best part is that SOI is enriched with your data. This means that ChatGPT learns and adapts to your company. This makes it possible for you to chat with your company knowledge as if you were talking to an experienced employee. Access to all company knowledge at any time - simple, fast and uncomplicated. sOI acts as an onboarding buddy for new employees in particular.




SOI plus

SOI enterprise

Hosted in the EU
Free choice of model
Access to general knowledgeXoptional
Access to internal knowledgeX
Automated data importn.a.XX
No external access possible

CANCOM Austria

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